Hecate is a roguelike game set in treacherous dungeons filled with various monsters such as Goblins, Skeletons, and Griffons. The primary objective is to clear each dungeon and reach the Boss Room to defeat the final boss and complete the game. Players can enhance their characters by using Skill Points to upgrade attributes like Speed, Health, Armor, Strength, and the Maximum Amount of Potions, among others. Currently, the game features 5 out of 10 active skills, allowing characters to shoot projectiles and dash through enemies or projectiles. The game operates on two main resources: Health and Mana. Players can use Potions to regenerate these resources, ensuring they stay prepared for the challenges ahead.
- Project URL
- https://www.fiverr.com/users/zenisoft/portfolio/NjZiNGMyMGI2OGI2YjgwMDAxNjhlMzkw